Sunday 20 February 2011

Keeping Mum happy!

Taz - That's my keep Mum happy! We have been to one of those show things today where we get to spend a lot of time in the car!!! That 'Squid' went quite fast and when she brought him back to the car Mum said he should have done quite well. When she came back again she had this red thing and a trophy and a huge grin on her face. This happened twice. She was harping on about what a clever dog Dylan is and how wonderful he is. I am a little confused; I try to go as fast as I can, knocking the jumps out of the way and flying off the ends of the contacts so I can get a fast time. Mum keeps saying wrong and putting me back on the contacts; making my time really slow and getting me something called 'E' - so how does she expect me to win? I was beginning to feel a little left out when Mum opened my crate door and gave me a huge bit of chicken. She scratched the top of my head and gave me a kiss and said 'we had some fun didn't we Tazzie - you are such a good boy' I love my Mum she never gets angry with me and as for that little upstart Squidy; well I don't care if he wins all the trophies and red rosettes as long as my Mum has FUN with me. That's what keeps her happy having fun with us!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo SquidlyDiddly! Well done poppet. Now do it at a ruddy OPEN show!
