We went brumming along in the van for ages and Mum and Emily were talking such drivel that I went to sleep. Eventually we arrived but I couldn't see any jumps or tunnels, what was I going to have to do to get some shortbread?
We went into a room and there were lots of people wandering around and eating biscuits. That's ok I thought. I can soon work the crowd and get a few biscuits here; but we all sat down and I had to stay with Mum. A man was out the front shouting instructions and names, I heard him call our names and Mum obediently got up and walked to him with me. He looked very pleased with me and said something like 'up the merles'. I'm not quite sure what he meant by that so I sat down quickly, just in case. He gave Mum a glass bowl, everybody clapped and we went back to our seats. What the hell was all that about??? The man called more names, there was more clapping and then we had to have our photo taken. Then we went home..............................where was my shortbread? I didn't get the chance to do any really fast running to earn it, or to do any tricks in front of those people to get them to feed me. It wasn't really very fair. I didn't do anything but Mum kept on about how proud she was of me and what a clever boy I am. I done good at something -wonder what that was.
When we got home Tazzie kept sniffing me to work out where I had been. He doesn't believe me when I tell him I have no idea what happened, that I just went for a long drive in the van to see a man who threatened to stick something up me and then come home. I always said Mum was a strange woman but this is the strangest yet.